Tropical Conservation Science
March 2016 | Vol. 9 | Issue 1 | pages 1 - 564
Growing trends in submissions and manuscript acceptance in Tropical Conservation Science i-ii
Alejandro Estrada and Rhett Butler Editorial
Guidelines for wildlife monitoring: savannah herbivores 1-15
Tim Caro
Factors structuring the fish community in the area of the Coaracy Nunes hydroelectric reservoir in Amapá, northern Brazil 16-33
Júlio C. Sá-Oliveira , Victoria J. Isaac , Andrea Soares Araújo and Stephen F. Ferrari
The need to improve and integrate science and environmental licensing to mitigate wildlife mortality on roads 34-42
Fernanda Zimmermann Teixeira, Igor Pfeifer Coelho, Mozart Lauxen, Isadora Beraldi Esperandio, Sandra Maria Hartz and Andreas Kindel
The ecology of human-anaconda conflict: a study using internet videos 43-77
Everton Miranda, Raimundo Ribeiro-Jr. and Christine Strüssmann
Small-scale fisheries of lagoon estuarine complexes in Northwest Mexico 78-134
Nadia T. Rubio-Cisneros, Octavio Aburto-Oropeza and Exequiel Ezcurra
Classification of landscape types based on land cover, successional stages and plant functional groups in a species-rich forest in Hainan Island, China 135-152
Zhidong Zhang, Runguo Zang, Guangyu Wang and Xuanrui Huang
Habitat environment data and potential habitat interpolation of Cyathea lepifera at the Tajen Experimental Forest Station in Taiwan 153-166
Yuan-Wei Ho, Ya-Li Huang, Jan-Chang Chen and Chaur-Tzuhn Chen
New population and range extension of the Critically Endangered Ecuadorian brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps fusciceps) in western Ecuador 167-177
Laura Cervera and Daniel M. Griffith
Can community-protected areas conserve biodiversity in human-modified tropical landscapes? The case of terrestrial mammals in southern Mexico. 178-202
Carlos Muench and Miguel Martínez-Ramos
Global Climate Change Impacts on Pacific Islands Terrestrial Biodiversity: a review 203-223
S. Taylor and L. Kumar
How much potential biodiversity and conservation value can a regenerating rainforest provide? A best-case scenario’ approach from the Peruvian Amazon 224-245
Andrew Whitworth, Roger Downie, Rudolf von May, Jaime Villacampa and Ross MacLeod
Cavity occupancy by lowland paca (Cuniculus paca) in the Lacandon Rainforest, Chiapas, Mexico 246-263
Avril Figueroa-de-León, Eduardo J. Naranjo, Hugo Perales, Antonio Santos-Moreno and Consuelo
Road-edge Effects on Herpetofauna in a Lowland Amazonian Rainforest 264-290
Ross J. Maynard, Nathalie C. Aall, Daniel Saenz, Paul S. Hamilton, and Matthew A. Kwiatkowski
Edge effects on the phenology of the guamirim, Myrcia guianensis (Myrtaceae), a cerrado tree 291-312
Nara Oliveira Vogado, Maria Gabriela Gutierrez de Camargo, Giuliano Maselli Locosselli and Leonor Patrícia Cerdeira Morellato
A report of a Malayan Krait snake Bungarus candidus mortality as by-catch in a local fish trap from Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand 313-320
Matt Crane, Katie Oliver, Inês Silva, Akrachai Aksornneam, Taksin Artchawakom, Pongthep Suwanwaree and Colin T. Strine
Interspecific comparisons with chloroplast SSR loci reveal limited genetic variation in Nigerian montane forests: A study on Cordia millenii (West African Cordia), Entandrophragma angolense (tiama mahogany), and Lovoa trichilioides (African walnut) 321-337
Joshua A. Thia, Marie L. Hale and Hazel M. Chapman
Serenading for ten thousand years: the mating call of insular populations of the green treefrog Aplastodiscus eugenioi (Anura: Hylidae) 338-353
Rogério Benevides de Miranda, Patrícia Alves Abrunhosa and Hélio Ricardo da Silva
Wild vertebrates kept as pets in the semiarid region of Brazil 354-368
Mauricélia Macário Alves, Sérgio de Faria Lopes and Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves
The Elephant poaching crisis in Tanzania: a need to reverse the trend and the way forward 369-388
Jafari R. Kideghesho
A review of the ecological functions of reed bamboo, genus Ochlandra in the Western Ghats of India: Implications for sustainable conservation 389-407
SijiMol K., Suma Arun Dev and Sreekumar V. B.
Transferability of microsatellite markers among Myrtaceae species and their use to obtain population genetics data to help the conservation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest 408-422
Bruna Saviatto Fagundes, Lucas Fernando da Silva, Renata Mussoi Giacomin, Daiane Secco, Jesus Alberto Díaz-Cruz and Paulo Roberto Da-Silva
Stakeholder linkage in conservation strategies: a qualitative tool for improving the management of a biosphere reserve in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico 423-438
Malena Oliva and Salvador Montiel
Temporal variation in the diversity of Cantharidae (Coleoptera), in seven assemblages in tropical dry forest in Mexico 439-464
Cisteil Xinum Pérez Hernández and Santiago Zaragoza Caballero
Avian distribution and life-history strategies in Amazonian terra-firme and floodplain forests 465-502
Sil Henricus Johannes van Lieshout, Christopher Alexander Kirkby and Henk Siepel
Habitat structure influences the diversity, richness and composition of bird assemblages in successional Atlantic rain forests 503-524
Grasiela Casas, Bianca Darski, Pedro M. A. Ferreira, Andreas Kindel and Sandra C. Müller
Predicting and Preventing Elephant Poaching Incidents through Statistical Analysis, GIS-Based Risk Analysis, and Aerial Surveillance Flight Path Modeling 525-548
Authors: Michael J. Shaffer and Joseph A. Bishop
Forest cover and bird diversity: drivers of fruit consumption in forest interiors in the Brazilian Atlantic forest of southern Bahia, Brazil 549-562
Icaro Menezes, Eliana Cazetta, José Carlos Morante-Filho and Deborah Faria
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 563-564 Giovanne Ambrosio Ferreira, Eduardo Nakano-Oliveira and Gelson Genaro. CORRIGENDUM Carvalho, W.D., Rosalino, L.M., Dalponte, J.C., Santos, B., Adania, C.H., Esbérard, C.E.L
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Tropical Conservation Science is an open-access e-journal that publishes research relating to conservation of tropical forests and other tropical ecosystems.
Volume 9: Issue 1
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